Community Maps - The Undying Ghost House by Markus "MarkusW" Wallmüller

Map Name: The Undying Ghost House
Author: Markus "MarkusW" Wallmüller
Release Date: 23rd March 2002
File Size: 635 KB

[O] The Undying Ghost House by Markus "MarkusW" Wallmüller


Patrick returned with his ship back to Ireland. But he came in a terrible storm and the ship sank. In the next morning he woke up on a coast of a small island. On the top of the island he saw a big house, which looked very dangerous. But he had no other chance, he had to enter this house. So he moved up the hill to this house. As he neared the door, it opend itself and a dark cold wind touched him. Then he entered the house....

About: This mappack contains ths first 2 maps of "The Undying Ghost House" single player campagne. The next map pack will contain the next 2 maps.


Click on an image to view the larger version.

Download Instructions

Download The Undying Ghost House (Fileplanet)

The Undying Ghost House has been compressed using Winzip. After unzipping there should be 4 files plus the readme file. Please read the readme file first for further instructions on where to extract the files and how to play the map.