Community Maps - The New Beginning Day 2 by Cabela

Map Name: The New Beginning - Day 2
Author: Cabela
Release Date: 21st April 2002
File Size: 5.85 MB

[O] The New Beginning - Day 2 by Cabela


This level picks up where The New Begining left off. If you remember Patrick went back to the manor for much needed rest after defeating the Undying King and the others in Undying. Once there he fell for a young maid, Catherine. They spent many nights together talking and having fun. Then one day, Catherine discovered a journal that told a tale of how The children were not dead afterall, and that it was a twisted game played by them to pass the time. Fearing for his and Catherine's lives, Patrick decided to find Catherine and leave the manor. But when he found her, it was too late. She was already dead.

Day 2

"Catherine is dead. I have failed her. The evil grows stronger. Stronger than a mere mortal such as myself, can stop. I must leave this place." -Patrick


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Download Instructions

Download The New Beginning - Day 2 from Fileplanet.

The New Beginning - Day 2 has been compressed using Winzip. After unzipping there should be 11 files plus the readme file. Please read the readme file first for further instructions on where to extract the files and how to play the map.